Dental Implants in Removable Partial Denture Treatment
- Sep 20th. 2012
- By Dental Implants Cost
Implant was placed mesial to tooth number 22 (FDI Two-Digit Notation).
Incorporation of dental implants is viable and possibly cost effective treatment modality in partially edentulous patients. The advantages with incorporation of implants are as follows:
- Improved esthetics by the elimination of visible clasp assemblies.
- Ability to change fulcrums in the arch providing more favorable biomechanics.
- Minimizing rotational and lateral forces on direct and indirect abutment teeth.
- Controlled additional vertical support especially significant in partially edentulous patients with distal extensions.
- Provide additional retention and stabilility to the prosthesis by incorporating an attachment mechanism.
- Simplify prosthesis design and base extension.
- Highly predictable treatment.
- Easy to maintain depending on prosthesis design and attachment system.
- Minimize excessive pressur and trauma to soft tissues and supporting ridge with alteration of the biomechanical forces.