Dental Implants Occlusal Overload

Studies have established that occlusal overload frequently led to marginal bone loss or de-osseointegration of effectively osseointegrated implants. The crestal bone around dental implants might be a fulcrum for lever action whenever a bending moment is used, recommending that implants may well be more prone to crestal bone loss by mechanical pressure.

Factors connected with elevated bending overload in dental implants:

• Prostheses based on a couple of implants in the posterior region

• Straight alignment of implants

• Significant deviation from the implant axis in the type of action

• High crown/implant ratio

• Excessive cantilever length (>15 mm within the mandible, >10-12 mm within the maxilla)

• Discrepancy in proportions between your occlusal table and implant mind

• Para-functional habits, heavy bite pressure and excessive premature contacts (>180 µm in monkey studies, >100 µm in scientific testing on people)

• Steep cusp inclination

• Poor bone strength and density/quality

• Insufficient quantity of implants
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Tilite Prosthesis in Dental Implantology

Black gums and Allergic Inflammation of gums

This really is frequently triggered by low quality alloy. Lesser quality alloys frequently contain non-refined metallic elements which yield toxic substances throughout formulation. These non-refined metallic elements contain lead, cadmium, iron, mercury along with other undesirable elements.

Porcelain fused to tilite metal fixed partial denture.

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Peri-implantitis is among the two primary causes of implant failure in later stages. A correlation between plaque accumulation and progressive bone loss around implants continues to be reported in experimental studies and studies. Tonetti and Schmid reported that peri-implant mucositis is really a reversible inflammatory lesion limited to periimplant mucosal tissue without bone loss. Periimplantitis however starts with bone loss around dental implants.

Clinical options that come with peri-implantitis were referred to by Mombelli as including radiographic proof of vertical destruction from the crestal bone, formationof a peri-implant pocket in colaboration with radiographic bone loss, bleeding after gentle probing, possibly with suppuration, mucosal swelling, redness with no discomfort typically.
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Dental Implant Abutment Torque

A guide on Dental Implant Abutment Torque

Astra 3.0 Dental Implant - 15 N-cm
Astra 3.5-4.0 Dental Implant - 20 N-cm
Astra 4.5-5.0 Dental Implant - 25 N-cm
BioHorizons® External Hex Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
BioHorizons® Internal Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
BioHorizons® Tapered Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
Biomet 3i™ External Hex Dental Implant - 35 N-cm
Biomet 3i™ Certain® Dental Implant - 20 N-cm
BlueSkyBio One Stage Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
BlueSkyBio Trilobe Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
BlueSkyBio Internal Hex Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
Brånemark (Nobel Biocare) Dental Implant - 35 N-cm Read more

One Stage Dental Implants

The evolution of dental implant related treatments in this era took its origin from the work of Branemark, who scientifically validated the entire process of placing an implant into bone, waiting a period of time for that bone to heal towards the implant, after which long-term functional loading adopted. Throughout the 70s and early 80s, a 1 stage threaded titanium plasma covered dental implant was adopted for overdenture retention with immediate loading. Also know as Swiss screw, the plasma coated dental implant was place into the anterior mandible and led to excellent long-term success. Other one stage implant systems were slow to emerge, but as they were proved with supporting data, the idea of a 1 stage endosseous dental implant therapy acquired credibility. The Strauman system has long-term data, showing that the one stage unloaded dental implant system can function in most regions of the mouth in distinction using the Swiss screw and also the Branemark methods.
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CEU Dental Implantology

Centro Escolar University Course in Dental Implantology

CEU Course in Dental Implantology (CCDI) Overview
Over 100 hours of Didactic Lectures, hands-on workshops with models & clinical sessions for 2 patients.
5 module course series - each comes complete with handouts and use of surgical & restorative instruments, equipment and practice materials during hands on.
Supervised clinical sessions in CEU Specialist Clinic with instructor.
2 Biomet 3i tapered implants & abutments with crowns provided during clinical sessions.
Certificate of completion and clinical proficiency given by CEU (Centro Escolar University) & Asia Implant Institute Singapore.
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Straumann Dental Implant Course

Straumann Dental Implant System Course is a four month program on implant dentistry designed to equip the general dentist with the knowledge and skill necessary to be able to provide dental implant treatment to his or her patients.

Part I Theoretical
Part II Clinical
1. Treatment planning and discussion of one clinical case.
2. The performance of an implant surgery done under close supervision.
3. Assisting with other clinical cases during the surgical and prosthetic phases of the treatment.
4. The design and delivery of the restoration over the integrated implant.

General Objectives
To enable general dentists to properly diagnose plan and execute a dental implant treatment.
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Alpha Bio Basic Dental Implant Training

Alpha Bio: Basic Implantology Training

Alpha Bio: Basic Implantology Training
Course Venue: Unit 1602-B, West Tower, Phil Stock Exchange Center Ortigas

1-Day Workshop

  • Introduction to implant surgery and prosthetics
  • Familiarization of AlphBio Dental Implant System
  • Hands-on (models)


  • Certificate of participation
  • Course materials
  • Posters / Brochures / CD
  • Snacks and lunch

15 Days Program

  • Training from treatment planning to final restoration
  • Familiarization of AlphaBio System
  • Hands-on (models and actual patient)
  • Invitation to AlphaBio, Israel seminar fee free of charge


  • Certificate of completion
  • Patient’s surgical and restorative components
  • Course materials
  • Laboratory fee
  • Post training support
  • - posters / brochures / free usage of kit and machine
  • - updates for local and international implant symposium
  • - endorsement to Phil Implant Organizations
  • Snacks and lunch

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Computer Aided Dental Implant Treatment Planning

Modern implantology increasingly focuses on the reduction of treatment time and postoperative impairment while providing function, esthetics and comfort with a minimally invasive surgical approach. The advancement of 3D dental diagnosis by computer tomography allows precise planning for the surgical placement of dental implants that are prosthetically driven. The precise transfer of preoperatively determined implant positions to the patient’s mouth is of utmost imporatance to the dental practitioner as well as patients.

Prosthetic driven treatment planning and guided implant surgery can now be performed with the use of CAD-CAM surgical guides - from a single missing tooth to a completely edentulous jaw. Computer assisted / - guided / - aided implantology has been found to overcome the errors commonly encountered during implant site preparation and aid in positioning the implants more precisely.
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Bicon Comprehensive Dental Implant Training Course

PROS-APAC Orthodental

bicon dental implants
Comprehensive Implantology Training Course


Course starts on February 2012

To enable general dentists to perform comprehensive implantology procedures in a multi-system approach.
To eneble general dentists to successfully integrate implant therapy in his private practice.

Actual procedures with live audio/video feed.
Basic and advanced workshops and seminars.

Class affiliation
Bicon Institutes of Boston USA

Part 1 Bicon Dental Implant System
1. Medical and dental considerations. (BP, medical history, medications currently taken.)
2. a. Contraindications.
b. Oral examination.
3. Lab evaluation and biomechanical profile.
4. Sinus lifting.
5. Bone splitting and receptor site dilation.
6. Different techniques of bone harvesting.
7. Bone grafting / membrane indications ( bone fixation screws / membrane fixation screws)
8. Patient selection.
9. Treatment plan / suggested medication /surgical stent fabrication
10. The Bicon Dental Implant

  • History
  • Advantages.
  • Armamentarium.
  • Preparation

Part II Hands-on (animal jaws)

Maximum of 30 dentists is accepted per class

For more info contact:
PROS-APAC orthodental
Fax: +632.526.3870

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