Merry Christmas
- Dec 24th. 2014
- By Dental Implants Cost
Merry Christmas to all friends and visitors!

Health Status for Dental Implants -
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Merry Christmas to all friends and visitors!
Health Status for Dental Implants -
Xenografts and other augmentation materials based on granules do not provide initial stability of the implanted graft. In order to stabilize these types of grafts in the defect and to prevent particle migration, the dentist often use a membrane.
Xenografts and other types of granular materials that are either non-resorbable or are slowly resorbed are used in cases where a longer period of time or space maintaining is required, such as lateral augmentation, vertical sinus lift or any defect that is larger than 10 mm with less than three wall bony support. The outcome is bone repair rather than bone regeneration. However, in order to obtain optimal and complete bone regeneration, it is necessary to use a space maintainer with a resorption manner that matches the bone formation rate.
Missing a tooth or teeth for most people can be a problem as normal contour, function, comfort, esthetics, and speech are compromised. With continued advancement in the dental field, challenging clinical situations is now a reality with a predictable success rate.
The most natural option to replace a lost tooth is to use an implant. Dental implant is a replacement tooth that is recognized as the standard of care for tooth replacement. There are numerous advantages of this treatment modality over any other prosthetic restoration such as FPD (fixed partial denture aka “bridge”) and RPD (removable partial denture).
When a tooth is lost, it’s best to consider implant replacement as early as possible to prevent bone loss. Without the natural tooth to stimulate the jaw, one starts to experience bone loss underneath it. The bone that used to support the natural tooth will begin to shrink, just like the “use it or lose it” phenomenon. Imagine a 200 lbs. body builder who completely halted his training after some years, do you think he will still look the same? Of course not! Same as the unstimulated bone, the bone volume decreases as time goes by, causing the face to look prematurely aged. By placing dental implants, not only it provides preservation of facial bone but also it provides foundation for replacement teeth that will look and function like natural teeth. Hence, many people are rediscovering the joy and comfort of having to eat and speak well once again!
Facial appearance with healthy teeth and bones. -
Appearance after tooth and bone loss. -
Candidates for Dental Implants
Dental Implants can be placed in most adults who are in good to moderate health. They are not typically placed in adolescents until they have reached their full expected physical maturity. If you feel implant dentistry is the treatment of your choice, we suggest you go through an implant consultation in order to review your medical & dental history and diagnostic aids (such as radiographs, computed tomographic scans, models) and verify periodontal stability by means of clinical and radiographic assessment. The trained dentist can determine the best treatment plan for you. Do not hesitate to ask your doctor to explain the benefits and risks to see if tooth replacement with implants is best fit for you.
If you have been told that you don’t have enough bone to hold the implant, grafting and augmentation procedures are done to regenerate and improve the lost bone and gums to safely place an implant.
Natural tooth vs. dental implants. -
Today’s Dental Implants
The modern dental implant is a titanium screw and abutment that is anchored into the jawbone where it serves as a post for custom-made tooth crown. Dental Implants are available in several different designs, addressed according to your specific needs. A single tooth, several teeth or entire arch can be replaced by dental implant.
Dental implants are rigid compared to natural teeth and if an attachment is used between the prosthesis and and natural tooth, the stresses generated from occlusal forces are primarily loaded onto the implants. As a result, the following could be present:
1. The implant fixture may be overloaded resulting in failure.
2. The natural teeth may undergo disuse atrophy, affecting the supporting tissues more rapidly than under conditions of proper loading.
3. It is also possible that the natural teeth are overloaded, leading to extraction type forces that result in tooth loss.
Osseointegrated implants
Everyday is a blessing. Every awakening is a gift from God. Gifts don’t come on special days. They come day by day. Open your eyes and you will see how God loves us, not through material things but through the goodness of the people around us. They are our treasures. Happy new year! and God bless.
May the peace and blessings of Christmas be yours. And may the coming year be filled with happiness. Merry Christmas!
Dental history is an important part in implant treatment. This includes information gathered during mouth examination.
1. Evaluate soft tissue condition.
2. Evaluate remaining teeth condition.
3. Evaluate edentulous areas.
4. Evaluate present occlusion.
5. Evaluate for temporomandibular disorders.
6. Evaluate for parafunctional habits.
Evaluate soft tissue condition for health of periodontium and pathology, location of alveolar and attached mucosa. -
Dental implant treatment is the ideal treatment option available for any patient. However, there are contraindications to dental implants.
Absolute contraindication are as follows:
1. High dose irradiated patients.
2. Patient with psychiatric problems.
3. Hematologic systemic disorders.
Dental Implant Closure, third dental implant is still visible (mesial to 14)
Relative contraindications are as follows:
1. Pathology of hard or soft tissues.
2. Recent extraction sites.
3. Patient with drug, alcohol or chewing tobacco abuse.
4. Low dose irradiated patients.
Read more
Dental implant treatment is the ideal treatment option available for any patient, regardless of sex or age. Indications for dental implant treatment are as follows:
1. edentulous patient
2. partially edentulous patient with history of difficulty in wearing removable partial dentures.
3. patient with missing dentition requiring long span fixed bridge.
4. patient who refuses using removable type prosthesis.
Fully implant supported Fixed Bridge -
Other indications are:
1. any edentulous area or severe change in complete denture bearing tissues.
2. poor oral muscular coordination.
3. low tissue tolerance.
4. parafunctional habits that compromise prosthesis stability. Read more
List of Dental Implant Companies
1. ACE Surgical Supply Company USA
2. Adaptare Sistema de Implantate Brazil
3. Advance Company Japan
4. Allmed S.r.l. Italy
5. Almitech Incorporated USA
6. Alpha Bio GmbH Germany
7. Alpha Bio Implant Limited Israel
8. Altiva Corporation USA
9. Anthogyr France
10. AQB Implant System Japan
11. AS Technology Brazil
12. Astra Tech Sweden
13. Basic Dental Implants LLC USA
14. BEGO Implant Systems GmbH & Co. KG Germany
15. Bicon Dental Implants USA
16. BioHex Corporation (previous name: Biomedical Implant Technology) Canada
17. BioHorizons Implant Systems Incorporated USA
18. Bio-Lok International Incorporated (subsidiary of Orthogen Corporation) USA
19. Biomaterials Korea South Korea
20. Biomedicare Company USA
21. Biomet 3i Implant Innovations Incorporated USA
22. Bionnovation Brazil
23. Biost S.n.c. Italy
24. Biotech International France
25. Blue Sky Bio LLC USA
26. Bone System Italy
27. BPI Biologisch Physikalische Implantate GmbH Germany
28. BrainBase Corporation Japan
29. Brasseler Group (Gebr. Brasseler GmbH & Co. KG) Germany
30. Bredent Medical Germany
31. BTI Biotechnology Institute S.L. Spain
32. Btlock S.r.l. Italy
33. Buck Medical Research USA
34. Camlog Group (previous name: Altatec) Switzerland
35. Ceradyne Incorporated USA
36. CeraRoot Spain
37. Clinical House Europe GmbH Switzerland
38. Conexão Implant System Brazil
39. Cowell Medi Company Limited South Korea
40. CSM Implant South Korea
41. Curasan AG Germany
42. De Bortoli ACE Brazil
43. Dental Ratio Systems GmbH Germany
44. Dental Tech Italy
45. Dentatus Sweden
46. Dentaurum J.P. Winkelstroeter KG Germany
47. Dentium South Korea
48. Dentofl ex Comércio e Indústria de Materiais Odontológicos Brazil
49. Dentos Incorporated South Korea
50. Dentsply Friadent Ceramed Incorporated (Friadent GmbH Germany) USA
51. DIO Implant South Korea
52. Dr Ihde Dental GmbH Germany
53. Dyna Dental Engineering b.v. Netherlands
54. Eckermann Laboratorium Spain
55. Elite Medica Italy
56. Europäische Akademie für Sofort-Implantologie Germany
57. Euroteknika France
58. GC Implant System Japan
59. General Implant Research System Spain
60. Global Dental Corporation USA
61. Hi-Tec Implants Limited Israel
62. Impladent Limited USA
63. Implamed S.r.l. Italy
64. Implant Direct LLC USA
65. Implant Logic Systems USA
66. Implant Media S.A. (outsourcing manufacturing plant) Spain
67. Implant Microdent System S.L. Spain
68. Implantkopp Brazil
69. IMTEC Corporation USA
70. Institut Straumann AG Switzerland
71. Interdental S.r.l. Italy
72. International Defcon Group Spain
73. Intra-Lock System International USA
74. Ishifu Metal Industry Incorporated Japan
75. Japan Medical Materials Corporation Japan
76. Jeil Medical Corporation South Korea
77. jmp dental GmbH Germany
78. JOTA AG Switzerland
79. Klockner Implants Spain
80. LASAK Limited Czech Republic
81. Leader Italy S.r.l. Italy
82. Leone S.p.A. Italy
83. Lifecore Biomedical Incorporated USA
84. Maxon ceramic Germany
85. Medentis Medical Germany
86. Megagen South Korea
87. MIS Implant Technologies Limited Company (MIS) Israel
88. Mozo-Grau Spain
89. Neobiotech Company Limited South Korea
90. Neodent Brazil
91. Neoss Dental Implant System UK
92. Nobel Biocare Sweden
93. OCO Biomedical (previous name: O Company Incorporated) USA
94. Odontit S.A. Argentina
95. OGA implant Japan
96. o.m.t (previous name: Biocer) Germany
97. Oral implant S.r.l. Italy
98. Osfi x Limited Finland
99. Ospol AB Sweden
100. Osstem Company Limited South Korea
101. Osteocare Implant System Limited UK
102. Osteo-Implant Corporation USA
103. Osteoplant Poland
104. Osteo-Ti UK
105. PACETM Dental Technologies Incorporated (Renick Enterprises Incorporated) USA
106. Paraplant 2000 Germany
107. Paris implants France
108. Park Dental Research Corporation USA
109. Pedrazzini Dental Technologie Germany
110. PHI S.r.l. Italy
111. Poligono Industrail MasD’En Cisa Spain
112. Qualibond Implantat GmbH Germany
113. Quantum Implants USA
114. Renew Biocare USA
115. Reuter Systems GmbH Germany
116. RT Medical Research & Technologies Italy
117. Sargon Enterprises Incorporated USA
118. Schrauben-Implantat-Systeme GmbH Germany
119. Schütz-Dental Germany
120. SERF (Société d’Etudes de Recherches et de Fabrications) France
121. Sic Implants Switzerland
122. Simpler Implants Incorporated Canada
123. Sistema de Implante Nacional Brazil
124. Southern Implants (Pty) Limited South Africa
125. Star Group International Implant Developments & Technology GmbH Germany
126. Sterngold Implamed Dental Implant Systems USA
127. Sweden & Martina S.p.A. Italy
128. Swiss Implants Incorporated USA
129. Sybron Implant Solutions (merge from: Innova—Canada & Oraltronics—Germany) USA
130. Tatum Surgical USA
131. T.B.R.® Group (previous name: Sudimplant) France
132. Tenax Dental Implant Systems Canada
133. TFI System Italy
134. Thommen Medical Switzerland
135. Timplant Czech Republic
136. Tiolox Implants GmbH (previous name: Dentaurum Implants GmbH) Germany
137. Titan Implants USA
138. Tixxit GmbH Germany
139. Trinon Titanium GmbH Germany
140. Victory-med GmbH Germany
141. Wieland Dental Implants GmbH Germany
142. Wolf GmbH Germany
143. Zimmer Dental (previous names: Centerpulse & Sulzer Dental & Calcitek) USA
144. Ziterion GmbH Germany
145. ZL-Microdent-Attachment GmbH & Co. KG Germany
146. Z-systems AG (Drachenfels AG) Germany
Fully implant supported Fixed Bridge -
Osseointegration and Dental Implants
by Asbjorn Jokstad
January 2009, Wiley-Blackwell
The Dental Implants Cost website was created and written by dentists for dental implant patient education. It has the purpose of informing the general public about implants, dentures and their cost.
We provide comprehensive information about dental implants cost, implant dentistry, dental implantology cases, denture photos and prosthodontics guide.
If you have inquiries, don't hesitate to contact us. :)