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Cost of Dental Implants Website
Dr. Jesus Lecitona
Email: jes[at]
Telephone: +63.929.696.6232
Websites: Dental Cost
Affordable Dentures

    • max ronchi
    • Nov 20th. 2012 11:10am

    I am in manila for short turism vacation and have a bad toothache on my winsdom tooth. I went in pharmacy and they said me that i should remove it. How much is the cost for the extraction of one tooth, in your clinick, please?

    • Jacob Andren
    • Jul 6th. 2013 10:24pm

    Since most toothaches are the result of tooth decay, following good oral hygiene practices can prevent toothaches. Good oral hygiene practices consist of brushing regularly with a fluoride-containing toothpaste, flossing once daily, and seeing your dentist twice a year for professional cleaning. In addition to these practices, eat foods low in sugar and ask your dentist about sealants and fluoride applications.;-^

  1. Alright! 😀

    • Joe
    • Sep 1st. 2013 7:56pm

    Hi Doctor/s,

    I am at the middle of age, suffering from fallen most of teeth. Although having sugar, it’s under control and no other decease, thank God.

    At present, I lost the front upper about all teeth except the front 6 teeth, which I insist to remove them all in order to fix implantation teeth for upper. Also, I lost the bottom front 4 teeth, the replacement seems to be using bridge. .

    NOW, I look really very ugly, don’t I?, hahaha, but I believe when I visit you, my beautiful smile will come back and then

    However, I know it is difficult to judge about the actual cost for implantation and bridge but I would like you please to send me the approximate cost of this job.

    I am looking forward to hearing back as soon as possible.
    Thank you so much for your kindly assistance and highly cooperation..

    Mob. 00973 39429191
    email: [email protected]

  2. Send me a panoramic x-ray through our facebook.

    • Joe
    • Sep 7th. 2013 8:32pm


    Thank you so much for your concern about my teeth problem. The Panorama film will take time but I ll rush it to you. Please send me your email, this will be good for attachment the film.

    Thank you and Best Regards.


  3. Send it through our facebook at:

    • laurentiu popa
    • Feb 18th. 2014 2:43pm

    i am looking for a dr in san Antonio tx who does vertical bone augumentation can u tell me please if there is anyone here in san Antonio texas or in the state of texas?

  4. Alright.

    • Adam Scott
    • Mar 14th. 2014 4:48am

    Good site.

  5. Thanks

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