Dental Implant Contraindications
- Oct 18th. 2013
- Posted in Two Stage
- By Dental Implants Cost
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Dental implant treatment is the ideal treatment option available for any patient. However, there are contraindications to dental implants.
Absolute contraindication are as follows:
1. High dose irradiated patients.
2. Patient with psychiatric problems.
3. Hematologic systemic disorders.
Dental Implant Closure, third dental implant is still visible (mesial to 14)
Relative contraindications are as follows:
1. Pathology of hard or soft tissues.
2. Recent extraction sites.
3. Patient with drug, alcohol or chewing tobacco abuse.
4. Low dose irradiated patients.
Other contraindications are:
1. Patients who have received radiation therapeutic doses of more than 5,000 Rads should avoid having implant procedures. After large amounts of radiation therapy, the patient has reduced wound healing capacity and may not achieve successful osseointegration.
2. Patients who have dysmorphophobia are not good candidates for implants.
3. Patients who have blood dyscrasias such as leukemia, hemophilia and thrombocytopenic porpura should not have implant treatment.
4. Existing pathology of hard and soft tissues such as a benign tumor should be evaluated on an individual basis. If a patient has a benign tumor present, the tumor should be removed prior to implant procedures.
5. Patients with a history of drug, alcohol or tobacco abuse should be evaluated carefully.
6. Irradiated patients need to have their medical histories evaluated. The history should reveal the disease prognosis and amounts of radiation used in therapy.
7. Patients with chronic disease such as diabete or high blood pressure should be evaluated on an individual basis and consultation with the primary physician is necessary.
Hobo, S. Echida, E., Garcia, L.: Osseointegration and Occlusal Rehabilitation. Japan: Quintessence Publishing Co., Ltd., 1991
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