Factors in Implant Retained Prosthesis

Factors to Consider in Dental Implant Treatment

1. How does the patient feel about surgery?
2. Is the patient prepared to pay the costs involved in implant theraphy?
3. Does the patient have sufficient bone to place dental implants? Bone grafting may be required and this could be a barrier to treatment.
4. If bone grafting is required, is the patient prepared to accept this?
5. Is the patient prepared to accept the burden of maintenance associated with implant retained prosthesis?

Implant Analog for Impression

    • Rhoda
    • Feb 15th. 2011 1:02pm

    Good day.
    I would like to know the total price for one implant,
    Including implant placement and permanent implant crown.
    Thank you.

    • Rhoda
    • Feb 15th. 2011 1:02pm

    Enter your comment here…
    Good day.
    I would like to know the total price for one implant,
    Including implant placement and permanent implant crown.
    Thank you.

    • carlo salcedo
    • Jan 31st. 2012 2:57am

    why arent they already making one-piece implants? I mean really one piece just like a real tooth, no separate crown and root, just one piece tooth.

    • Iwo
    • Aug 5th. 2013 8:22am

    So good to see the article within this blog. Thank you for posting it.

  1. No problem. 😉

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