Posts Tagged ‘ dentures

Artificial Gingiva in Dental Implants

These are functional and esthetic problems that can be solved by prosthetic gingival reconstruction in Dental Implants:
1. Narrow and longer prosthetic teeth.
2. Inverted smile line.
3. Misalignment of the tooth axes.
4. Unsupported lip profile.

Individual papilla loss and situations of horizontal and vertical tissue dificiencies of the anterior region are some of surgical limitations of augmentation that can be solved by prosthetic gingiva.

Wax-up of Implant Supported Prosthesis with Artificial Gingiva

Prosthesis in Dental Implants

A cement type prosthesis is recommended in most dental implant cases. The said type of prosthesis has a simple procedure with lesser number of components and most prosthetic complications which could develop later can be resolved by recementation. Impression taking and correct passive fit can be obtained much easier. There is also a study that cement buffer biting force.

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