Posts Tagged ‘ mdi

Q&A: What are Mini Dental Implants?

Question: What are Mini Dental Implants?

Answer: Mini Dental Implants are small diameter implants which are mainly used for Denture Stabilization especially in the lower arch. MDI has a diameter of less than 3 mm. MDIs are also very useful in orthodontic cases as anchors.

History: Over 20 years ago, a New York dentist by the name of Victor I Sendax designed and started utilizing his surgical technique. Mini dental implants, also known as MDI are 1.8 mm diameter biocompatible titanium alloy implant screws. In early 1998, Dr. Ronald A Bulard, who had previously formed the IMTEC Corporation, entered into a strategic alliance with Dr. Sendax. After studying and refining Dr. Sendax’s original protocol, Dr. Bulard added a single one piece O-Ball design to Dr. Sendax’s concept. With Dr. Bulard’s material enhancement and Dr. Sendax’s patented insertion protocol, the IMTEC Sendax MDI was created.
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Mini Dental Implants

Mini Dental Implants (Small Diameter Implants)

Mini Dental Implants, also known as Small Diameter Implants are commonly used to improve the retention of Lower Complete Denture. It was designed as temporary, but nowadays it can provide long term service inside the patient’s mouth. It can provide long-term full denture stabilization, partial denture stabilization, long term fixation of single crown and dental bridges. SDI (Small Diameter Implants) are also used in other fields of Dentistry, especially in Orthodontics.

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