Q&A: What are Mini Dental Implants?
- Oct 22nd. 2011
- By Dental Implants Cost
Question: What are Mini Dental Implants?
Answer: Mini Dental Implants are small diameter implants which are mainly used for Denture Stabilization especially in the lower arch. MDI has a diameter of less than 3 mm. MDIs are also very useful in orthodontic cases as anchors.
History: Over 20 years ago, a New York dentist by the name of Victor I Sendax designed and started utilizing his surgical technique. Mini dental implants, also known as MDI are 1.8 mm diameter biocompatible titanium alloy implant screws. In early 1998, Dr. Ronald A Bulard, who had previously formed the IMTEC Corporation, entered into a strategic alliance with Dr. Sendax. After studying and refining Dr. Sendax’s original protocol, Dr. Bulard added a single one piece O-Ball design to Dr. Sendax’s concept. With Dr. Bulard’s material enhancement and Dr. Sendax’s patented insertion protocol, the IMTEC Sendax MDI was created.
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