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Dental Implants in Removable Partial Denture Treatment

Implant was placed mesial to tooth number 22 (FDI Two-Digit Notation).

Incorporation of dental implants is viable and possibly cost effective treatment modality in partially edentulous patients. The advantages with incorporation of implants are as follows:

  • Improved esthetics by the elimination of visible clasp assemblies.
  • Ability to change fulcrums in the arch providing more favorable biomechanics.
  • Minimizing rotational and lateral forces on direct and indirect abutment teeth.
  • Controlled additional vertical support especially significant in partially edentulous patients with distal extensions.
  • Provide additional retention and stabilility to the prosthesis by incorporating an attachment mechanism.
  • Simplify prosthesis design and base extension.
  • Highly predictable treatment.
  • Easy to maintain depending on prosthesis design and attachment system.
  • Minimize excessive pressur and trauma to soft tissues and supporting ridge with alteration of the biomechanical forces.

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All surgical techniques to elevate the maxillary sinus present the possibility of perforating the Schneiderian membrane. The complication can occur during osteotomy which performed with burs. It can also occur during the elevation of Schneiderian membrane using manual elevators.

Piezoelectric bone window osteotomy cuts bone without damaging the soft tissue. Piezoelectric membrane elevation separates the Schneiderian membrane without perforations.

The elevation of Schneiderian membrane from the sinus floor is performed using both piezoelectric elevators and the force of a physiologic solution subjected to piezoelectric cavitation.

Impression in Implant Dentistry

Titanium Implant Abutment Component

Whether the partially or fully edentulous condition is to be restored, it is important to understand all of the prosthetic steps necessary to complete the implant treatment. While there are differences between natural teeth and implant fixtures, conventional prosthodontics techniques and concepts are the foundation for proper implant supported reconstruction.

The success of implant supported prostheses is directly dependent on the passive fit between the connector of the prosthesis and the implant itself. Therefore, impression and transfer of the exact positions of the implants to the working cast should be accurate.
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Bangkok International Symposium of Implant Dentistry

BIS 2012
Thai Association of Dental Implantology
Multidisciplinary Implant Dentistry
Solution, Synergy and Controversy

November 28 - 30 2012
Askra Theatre King Power Complex Bangkok Thailand

The Bangkok International Symposium of Implant Dentistry of BIS 2012 will hold its biggest implant symposium on November 28-30 2012 in Bangkok, Thailand. Southeast Asia is the fast growing region in terms of population, markets, education and implant services. The Symposium will address the regional demand for education, exchange of knowledge, and information about new dental implant technology and products. Hopefully this will lead to higher standards of awareness among implantologists and better overall patient care.

To make BIS2012 the biggest implant symposium of the region, they have invited many world renowned implant experts as speakers and talented practitioners in the region to give lectures in our scientific programs. Read more

How to do Simple and Safe Dental Implant Surgeries

Oris Neobiotech Implant Training Course
How to do Simple and Safe Dental Implant Surgeries

A prosthetically driven implant placement training module

For more info contact
Oral Implant Solutions Inc
822 9858
0917 866 8609

Oris Neobiotech Implant Training Course

Single and Multiple Dental Implant Restoration Module

Neo Biotech
Oral Implant Solutions Inc
Single and Multiple Dental Implant Restoration Module

This lecture and hands-on training course is a basic overview of restoring dental implants and is geared towards dentists who are just beginning to integrate dental implants into their practice. Acquire the skills, knowledge and confidence to restore your dental implants from intenrationally trained prosthodontists: Manolet Reyes, DMD, MSD and Errol Hernandez, DMD, MSD.

Classes start on June 20 2012. Call 822 9858 / 522 4598 for more info.

Single and Multiple Dental Implant Restoration Module

Load Transfer in Dental Implant-Retained Overdentures

In overdentures retained by Locator attachments, the distribution of dental implants had a significant effect on the force measured on the palate of the oral analogue. The measured load was not significantly lower than the eight dental implant design, when the distance between the four dental implants was sixteen or more millimeters, suggesting that the palate of a four dental implant-retained overdenture with a distance of sixteen millimeter or more, does not contribute significantly to the load transfer to underlying hard palate in the in vitro analogue evaluated.

Dental Implant-Retained Maxillary Overdenture

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Maintenance of Dental Implants

Proper hygiene is very important to minimize marginal bone loss. Plaque control should begin after the second surgery. It is tedious and requires considerable effort from both patient and the dentist.

Implant Brush is the most important tool for plaque control. Many implant brushes are available in a variety of sizes, shapes and textures.

Soft bristle implant brush

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Dental Implants in Overdentures

Overdenture prosthetic treatment is an alternative to a fully bone supported and retained dentures. It provides an effective, if not superior method of treatment. Overdentures can be advantageous, both functionally and esthetically for patients with post surgical or congenital defects. If defects exist, esthetics can be improved by increasing or decreasing the amount of denture base material.

Overdenture prosthetic treatment

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Fully Implant Supported Denture

The use of dental implants in edentulous patients was first developed by Dr. Per Ingvar Branemark and the type of restorative treatment studied and used was the fully bone anchored denture. After implant placement, healing and subsequent denture insertion, the bone reaches a steady state. This is a balance between forces transmitted through the dentures and implants and bone remodelling capabilities.

Implant Supported Fixed Bridges. Photo credit: Dr. Stephen Almonte

Treatment planning is the most important factor for successful results and is an integral part of good communication between the periodontist and the prosthodontist.
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