Computer Aided Dental Implant Treatment Planning
- Nov 28th. 2011
- Posted in Dental Implant Surgery
- By Dental Implants Cost
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Modern implantology increasingly focuses on the reduction of treatment time and postoperative impairment while providing function, esthetics and comfort with a minimally invasive surgical approach. The advancement of 3D dental diagnosis by computer tomography allows precise planning for the surgical placement of dental implants that are prosthetically driven. The precise transfer of preoperatively determined implant positions to the patient’s mouth is of utmost imporatance to the dental practitioner as well as patients.
Prosthetic driven treatment planning and guided implant surgery can now be performed with the use of CAD-CAM surgical guides - from a single missing tooth to a completely edentulous jaw. Computer assisted / - guided / - aided implantology has been found to overcome the errors commonly encountered during implant site preparation and aid in positioning the implants more precisely.
In comparison to the conventional technique, this sophisticated technology requires substantially more financial investment and effort but appears superior in terms of its potential to eliminate possible manual placement errors and to systematize reproducible treatment success.
It should also be taken into consideration that this offers the potential advantage of protection of critical anatomic structures as well as the esthetic and functional advantages of prosthetically driven implant positioning. The characteristic complexity of the techniques and materials utilized requires several degrees of training prior to treatment and must also be taken into account.
Computer Aided Implant Treatment Planning and Guided Implant Surgery
by: Dr. Mario E Esquillo
New technology in implant treatment planning but expensive.