Dental Implant Fixture Parallelism
- Jul 8th. 2011
- Posted in Two Stage
- drilling
- By Dental Implants Cost
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The direction indicators are inserted into the dental implant site to check and maintain parallelism during preparation.
Poor fixture alignment
If the angle with adjacent fixture is less than 35 degrees, there will be not be a major problem prosthetically.

Direction indicators are inserted after each twist drill procedure is completed to verify parallel fixture sites. Photo credit: Oris Neobiotech
If the angle with the adjacent fixture is greater than 35 degrees, the fixture should be removed and allow the surgical site to heal for approximately six months. The first stage surgery can be done on the same area at a later time.
A good photo of implant site preparation.
You´ve got somo nice dental implants procedure photos, very instructive and clear. thank´s for sharing