Dental Implant Indications

Dental implant treatment is the ideal treatment option available for any patient, regardless of sex or age. Indications for dental implant treatment are as follows:
1. edentulous patient
2. partially edentulous patient with history of difficulty in wearing removable partial dentures.
3. patient with missing dentition requiring long span fixed bridge.
4. patient who refuses using removable type prosthesis.

Fully implant supported Fixed Bridge -

Fully implant supported Fixed Bridge -

Other indications are:
1. any edentulous area or severe change in complete denture bearing tissues.
2. poor oral muscular coordination.
3. low tissue tolerance.
4. parafunctional habits that compromise prosthesis stability.
5. unrealistic patient expectations for complete dentures.
6. hyperactive gag reflex.
7. patient psychologically against removable prosthesis.
8. unfavorable number and location of potential natural tooth abutments.
9. single tooth loss.

Hobo, S. Echida, E., Garcia, L.: Osseointegration and Occlusal Rehabilitation. Japan: Quintessence Publishing Co., Ltd., 1991

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