Dental Implants in Overdentures

Overdenture prosthetic treatment is an alternative to a fully bone supported and retained dentures. It provides an effective, if not superior method of treatment. Overdentures can be advantageous, both functionally and esthetically for patients with post surgical or congenital defects. If defects exist, esthetics can be improved by increasing or decreasing the amount of denture base material.

Overdenture prosthetic treatment

Denture stability and retention can be increased using precision attachments. Overdenture supported by dental implants showed a more consistent chewing pattern.

Dental implant hygiene maintenance is also simple by using fewer fixture in an overdenture treatment. The design of overdenture is also more simple. The hygiene advantage of overdenture supported by implants, should be considered greatly for patients without the dexterity important for hygienic maintenance of a fixed denture.

Implant fixtures can be connected by a bar.

Overdenture can also be financial advantage because fewer implants are being used.

There are also known disadvantages.of overdentures. Overdentures can be bulky especially in a patient with flat ridges. The denture base material is increased to substitute for the loss soft and hard tissue.

Its removable nature is also a disadvantage. When given a choice, majority of the patients choose fully bone anchored dentures.

For more information on the best possible Prosthodontic and Dental Implant Treatment for your case, please consult your Dentist. “There is no online material nor website that can substitute for professional advice.”

Zarb, G A, Jansson T, Jemt T: Other prosthodontic application. Chicago Quintessence Publishing Co. Inc. pp 283 - 292, 1985

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