Dental Implants in Removable Partial Denture Treatment
- Sep 20th. 2012
- Posted in Conventional
- dentures
- By Dental Implants Cost
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Implant was placed mesial to tooth number 22 (FDI Two-Digit Notation).
Incorporation of dental implants is viable and possibly cost effective treatment modality in partially edentulous patients. The advantages with incorporation of implants are as follows:
- Improved esthetics by the elimination of visible clasp assemblies.
- Ability to change fulcrums in the arch providing more favorable biomechanics.
- Minimizing rotational and lateral forces on direct and indirect abutment teeth.
- Controlled additional vertical support especially significant in partially edentulous patients with distal extensions.
- Provide additional retention and stabilility to the prosthesis by incorporating an attachment mechanism.
- Simplify prosthesis design and base extension.
- Highly predictable treatment.
- Easy to maintain depending on prosthesis design and attachment system.
- Minimize excessive pressur and trauma to soft tissues and supporting ridge with alteration of the biomechanical forces.
For more information on the best possible Prosthodontic and Dental Implant Treatment for your case, please consult your Dentist. “There is no online material nor website that can substitute for professional advice.”
Dental Implants in Removable Partial Denture Treatment -
Written by:
Dr. Jesus Lecitona+
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