Posts Tagged ‘ insertion

Dental Implant Dentist

Dental Implantology is not a specialty yet. It is not correct to call a dentist as Dental Implant Dentist.

With adequate training, any dentist can perform a dental implant procedure.

A general dentist can perform basic dental implant surgery only if he has acquired the skills to do such procedure. A general practitioner can also carry out bone grafting, but he must have an additional training first.

Bone grafting is not a simple procedure. It requires special training and clinical experience before doing this procedure correctly in the patient’s oral cavity.

A Prosthodontist is one of the most qualified specialists to carry out a dental implant procedure. His specialty lies in dentures. Prosthodontics is a specialty that requires 2 to 3 years of university based or dental school based education. It is the dental specialty pertaining to the diagnosis, treatment planning, rehabilitation and maintenance of the oral function, comfort, appearance and health of patients with clinical conditions associated with missing or deficient teeth and/or oral and maxillofacial tissues using biocompatible substitutes. He is the most qualified to do the the prosthetic aspect of the dental implant treatment.
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Dental Implant Torque

For final tightening of the dental implant, torque ratchet is used. It is also used to measure the exact torque of the dental implant. Over threading is also prevented by using the torque ratchet. Over threading could strip all threads in bone.

Neobiotech torque ratchet is used to measure the exact torque of the dental implant. Photo credit: Oris Neobiotech

Dental Implant Fixture Installation

The dental implant fixture mount is attached to the fixture using the open ended wrench. The inner hexagonal surface should fit properly over the fixture head. Match the inner surface of the handpiece connector to the square top of the fixture mount and apply gentle pressure between the components.

When the apex of the fixture is threaded and no longer visible, begin irrigation. Photo credit: Oris Neobiotech

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Implant Bone Contact

Torque wrench was used to to achieve the desired dental implant bone contact and avoid too much compression on the bone that may lead to necrosis of the implant bed.

Implant was placed mesial to tooth number 22 (FDI Two-Digit Notation).

Implant was placed mesial to tooth number 22 (FDI Two-Digit Notation).

Dental Implant Insertion

Dental Implant body is installed with the recommended insertion torque. Appropriate insertion torque is needed to avoid too much compression of the bone. Excessive compression on the bone blocks blood supply and may lead to necrosis of the implant bed.

Dental Implant is being inserted mesial to 14 - FDI Two-Digit Notation, upper right first premolar.

Dental Implant is being inserted mesial to 14 - FDI Two-Digit Notation, upper right first premolar.

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