Zimmer Puros Cortical Particulate Allograft
- Oct 17th. 2011
- By Dental Implants Cost

Zimmer Puros Cortical Particulate Allograft
Cortical Particles remodel into a dense lamellar structure without sacrficing ridge contour, and into natural viable bone with similar density to native bone. When used in a sandwich technique for the treatment of localized buccal dehiscence defects, Park and Wang reported an average gain of 1.8 mm in bone thickness. While according to Anoticel Sej Method, an average of 1.9 mm of bone thickness was gained. Combining Puros Cortical Allograft with a combination sandwich and mucogingival puch flap technique, one study achieved 1.5 mm to 3.5 mm gain in mean ridge thickness, and 84% to 100% gain in mean ridge height.
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