History of Dental Implants

History of Dental Implants. Photo credit: Oris Neobiotech

History of Implant Dentistry dates back to early Egypt. At that time, it was done by transplanting teetrh from slaves who would willingly sell their teeth. Teeth from animals were also used for dental implantation.

In early 16th century, replantation was performed on avulsed teeth. In 1886, tooth buds were tried to be implanted.
From late 1880 to early 1900, gold, porcelain, gutta percha and platinum were used as implant materials.

In early 1890, ceramics are used as a dental implant material. Ceramics are considered a biocompatible material,

In 1940’s, Modern Implantology began with a screw-type implant created by Formiggini. Chercheve introduced another screw type dental implant in 1962. It was made of chrome cobalt.

In 1966, blade type implant was developed by Linkow. The implant was made from chromium, nickel and vanadium. This used a one step procedure for implant placement through mucosa into bone. Blade-type implants were not proven clinically successful.

In 1967, Hodosh tried acrylic resin to fabricate dental implants in tooth forms and tested their biocompatibiliy in monkeys.

In 1982, single crystalline forms of ceramics have been developed for implant purposes. This is to increase hardness and to overcome ceramics’ brittleness problem. Single sapphire crystal implants have been used to support fixed partial dentures in the mandible. It was found out that the said implant was well tolerated by soft tissue.

In 1984, Core Vent Implant System was developed by Dr. Gerald Niznick. It offers a variety of dental implants and uses a two stage surgical procedure.

From 1978 to 1983, Dr Axel Kirsch developed the Interpore IMZ dental implant system. The non threaded implant is made from commercially pure titanium and the surface is spray-coated with plasma to increase surface area for bone interface.

The Osseodent implant system is based on research done by a Swedish team for Branemark implant system. The screw type dental implants are made of commercially pure titanium and are interchangeable with components frrm Branemark System.

STERI-OSS system by Denar Corporation uses a two stage surgical technique. The dental implant is made from 99.5% pure titanium.

Branemark System has set the precendence for techniques atht result to very successful osseointegration implant system. This system showed the highest success rates.

Written by:
Jesus Lecitona+, DMD, MScD-Prosthodontics

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