Posts Tagged ‘ abutments

Dental Implant Abutment Torque

A guide on Dental Implant Abutment Torque

Astra 3.0 Dental Implant - 15 N-cm
Astra 3.5-4.0 Dental Implant - 20 N-cm
Astra 4.5-5.0 Dental Implant - 25 N-cm
BioHorizons® External Hex Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
BioHorizons® Internal Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
BioHorizons® Tapered Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
Biomet 3i™ External Hex Dental Implant - 35 N-cm
Biomet 3i™ Certain® Dental Implant - 20 N-cm
BlueSkyBio One Stage Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
BlueSkyBio Trilobe Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
BlueSkyBio Internal Hex Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
Brånemark (Nobel Biocare) Dental Implant - 35 N-cm Read more

Parts of a Branemark Dental Implant

Parts of a Branemark Dental Implant

Based on years of research and clinical use, the Branemark dental implant system showed the highest success rate. It has set the precedence for surgical techniques that result in a successful implant system.

The Branemark Dental Implant System consists of six components:
1. The implant fixture.
2. Cover screw.
3. Abutment.
4. Abutment screw.
5. Gold cylinder.
6. Gold screw.

The dental implant fixture is the component which is surgically installed into the jawbone. The cover screw is screwed into the top of of the fixture to prevent downgrowth of soft and hard tissue into the internal, threaded area. The abutment is the transmucosal component which is conneted using an abutment screw into the fixture. Gold cylinder is an integral part of the prosthetic component. It is connnected to the abutment with the gold screw.

The dental implant fixture is made of pure titanium with machined threads on the outer surface as well as the inner channel. The fixture is threaded into the jawbone using a series of surgical procedures to achieve an intimate contact between the dental implant fixture and bone. The top of the fixture has usually a hexagonal design and threads are visible in the internal channel. The apical portion is tapered and it has vertical notches.
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Parts of a Dental Implant

Components of a dental implant.

The Dental Implant consists of four components:
1. The implant fixture.
2. Cover screw.
3. Abutment.
4. Abutment screw.

The dental implant fixture is the component which is surgically placed into the jawbone. The cover screw is screwed into the top of of the fixture to prevent downgrowth of soft and hard tissue into the internal, threaded area. The abutment is the transmucosal component which is conneted using an abutment screw into the fixture.

The implant fixture is made of pure titanium with machined threads on the outer surface as well as the inner channel. The fixture is threaded into the jawbone using a series of surgical procedures to achieve an intimate contact between the dental implant fixture and bone. The top of the fixture has usually a hexagonal design and threads are visible in the internal channel.
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Dental Screws in Dental Implant Prosthodontics Part 4 of 4

Classification based on the positions of the screw assembly.

Screw assemblies in two adjacent abutments
This method may be used to connect two cast crowns, two roots or a cast crown and a root.

Screw assemblies in the removable section of a combined prosthesis
The fixed part of the prosthesis is cemented in the usual manner and the removable part is then screwed to the fixed component. In this way it is possible to construct a prosthesis on divergent abutments.

Screw assemblies in the removable section of a combined prosthesis.

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Dental Screws in Dental Implant Prosthodontics

Dental screws are used to attach abutments to implants and prostheses to abutments. Screws designed for abutment to implant attachment have different mechanical properties compared to screws used to attach prosthesis to abutment. The following is a general description of dental screws.

Dental Screw

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Implant Supported Complete Denture

Implant Supported Complete Denture is an optimum solution for Completely Edentulous patient. Implant Supported Denture virtually eliminates slipping and movement. Patients will be able to laugh and speak with confidence and eat food with ease.

Dental Implant supported complete denture have the following advantages:

  • It increases comfort and stability.
  • It restores a secure biting ability.
  • Maintains integrity of facial structure.
  • It eliminates need for adhesives.
  • It improves facial appearance.
  • It improves eating.
  • Improves speech and confidence in speaking.

Multiple Dental Implants

Implant Supported Bridge is an optimum solution for multiple missing teeth. Implant supported dental bridge stays secure and strong. It is comfortable, natural and look like natural dentition.

Dental Implant supported bridge have the following advantages:

  • It looks, feels and performs similar to natural teeth.
  • Sound adjacent teeth are not compromised to support a bridge.
  • Preserves sorrounding bone.
  • Dental bridge attached securely to dental implants.
  • It prevents resorption of bone.
  • Recurrent wear around abutment is eliminated.
  • Seld esteem of the patient is improved.

Dental Implants will maintain surrounding bone and soft tissue, as well as replace missing teeth.

Irradiation of Bone with Dental Implants

Radiation therapy is defined as the therapeutic use of ionizing radiation. The 2 principal types of ionizing radiation are electromagnetic irradiation and particle irradiation. In irradiation of implants in bone, it is recommended the removal of all abutments and superstructures and closure of skin and mucosa over the implants prior to radiation. [1] Radiation therapy can begin when healing is complete.

Irradiation of dental implants in bone results in backscatter. The tissues on the radiation source side of the implants receive a higher dose than the other tissues in the field. The dose in increased by about 15% at 1 mm from the dental implant. [2]

1. Granstrom G, Tjellstrom A, ALbrektsson T: Postimplantation irradiation for head and neck cancer treatment. Int J Oral Maxillofacial Implants 1993;8(4):495-500.
2. Wall JA, Burkee EA: Gamma dose distribution at and near the the interface of different materials. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 1970; 17:305.

Dental Implant Angulated Abutments

Angulated Abutment is an innovative component designed to adjust access hole position, prosthetic screw angulation and improve cosmetics. Before the development of Angled Abutments, if screws and access holes were positioned jutting through the labial aspect of an anterior tooth, there were basically three options:
1. The double casting technique.
2. Unsightly patch marks which closed the access holes after final insertion.
3. The combination of implant supported posts securing a crown and bridge type prosthesis.

Implant Angulated Abutments

Implant Abutment

Tools for titanium machining are used for drilling of titanium abutment. The fixture must be well fixed and correct RPM must also be checked before drilling. There must be adequate cooling so that overheating of abutments is prevented.

Titanium Implant Abutment Component

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