Archive for the ‘ Dental Implant System ’ Category

Implant Companies

List of Dental Implant Companies

1. ACE Surgical Supply Company USA
2. Adaptare Sistema de Implantate Brazil
3. Advance Company Japan
4. Allmed S.r.l. Italy
5. Almitech Incorporated USA
6. Alpha Bio GmbH Germany
7. Alpha Bio Implant Limited Israel
8. Altiva Corporation USA
9. Anthogyr France
10. AQB Implant System Japan
11. AS Technology Brazil
12. Astra Tech Sweden
13. Basic Dental Implants LLC USA
14. BEGO Implant Systems GmbH & Co. KG Germany
15. Bicon Dental Implants USA
16. BioHex Corporation (previous name: Biomedical Implant Technology) Canada
17. BioHorizons Implant Systems Incorporated USA
18. Bio-Lok International Incorporated (subsidiary of Orthogen Corporation) USA
19. Biomaterials Korea South Korea
20. Biomedicare Company USA
21. Biomet 3i Implant Innovations Incorporated USA
22. Bionnovation Brazil
23. Biost S.n.c. Italy
24. Biotech International France
25. Blue Sky Bio LLC USA
26. Bone System Italy
27. BPI Biologisch Physikalische Implantate GmbH Germany
28. BrainBase Corporation Japan
29. Brasseler Group (Gebr. Brasseler GmbH & Co. KG) Germany
30. Bredent Medical Germany
31. BTI Biotechnology Institute S.L. Spain
32. Btlock S.r.l. Italy
33. Buck Medical Research USA
34. Camlog Group (previous name: Altatec) Switzerland
35. Ceradyne Incorporated USA
36. CeraRoot Spain
37. Clinical House Europe GmbH Switzerland
38. Conexão Implant System Brazil
39. Cowell Medi Company Limited South Korea
40. CSM Implant South Korea
41. Curasan AG Germany
42. De Bortoli ACE Brazil
43. Dental Ratio Systems GmbH Germany
44. Dental Tech Italy
45. Dentatus Sweden
46. Dentaurum J.P. Winkelstroeter KG Germany
47. Dentium South Korea
48. Dentofl ex Comércio e Indústria de Materiais Odontológicos Brazil
49. Dentos Incorporated South Korea
50. Dentsply Friadent Ceramed Incorporated (Friadent GmbH Germany) USA
51. DIO Implant South Korea
52. Dr Ihde Dental GmbH Germany
53. Dyna Dental Engineering b.v. Netherlands
54. Eckermann Laboratorium Spain
55. Elite Medica Italy
56. Europäische Akademie für Sofort-Implantologie Germany
57. Euroteknika France
58. GC Implant System Japan
59. General Implant Research System Spain
60. Global Dental Corporation USA
61. Hi-Tec Implants Limited Israel
62. Impladent Limited USA
63. Implamed S.r.l. Italy
64. Implant Direct LLC USA
65. Implant Logic Systems USA
66. Implant Media S.A. (outsourcing manufacturing plant) Spain
67. Implant Microdent System S.L. Spain
68. Implantkopp Brazil
69. IMTEC Corporation USA
70. Institut Straumann AG Switzerland
71. Interdental S.r.l. Italy
72. International Defcon Group Spain
73. Intra-Lock System International USA
74. Ishifu Metal Industry Incorporated Japan
75. Japan Medical Materials Corporation Japan
76. Jeil Medical Corporation South Korea
77. jmp dental GmbH Germany
78. JOTA AG Switzerland
79. Klockner Implants Spain
80. LASAK Limited Czech Republic
81. Leader Italy S.r.l. Italy
82. Leone S.p.A. Italy
83. Lifecore Biomedical Incorporated USA
84. Maxon ceramic Germany
85. Medentis Medical Germany
86. Megagen South Korea
87. MIS Implant Technologies Limited Company (MIS) Israel
88. Mozo-Grau Spain
89. Neobiotech Company Limited South Korea
90. Neodent Brazil
91. Neoss Dental Implant System UK
92. Nobel Biocare Sweden
93. OCO Biomedical (previous name: O Company Incorporated) USA
94. Odontit S.A. Argentina
95. OGA implant Japan
96. o.m.t (previous name: Biocer) Germany
97. Oral implant S.r.l. Italy
98. Osfi x Limited Finland
99. Ospol AB Sweden
100. Osstem Company Limited South Korea
101. Osteocare Implant System Limited UK
102. Osteo-Implant Corporation USA
103. Osteoplant Poland
104. Osteo-Ti UK
105. PACETM Dental Technologies Incorporated (Renick Enterprises Incorporated) USA
106. Paraplant 2000 Germany
107. Paris implants France
108. Park Dental Research Corporation USA
109. Pedrazzini Dental Technologie Germany
110. PHI S.r.l. Italy
111. Poligono Industrail MasD’En Cisa Spain
112. Qualibond Implantat GmbH Germany
113. Quantum Implants USA
114. Renew Biocare USA
115. Reuter Systems GmbH Germany
116. RT Medical Research & Technologies Italy
117. Sargon Enterprises Incorporated USA
118. Schrauben-Implantat-Systeme GmbH Germany
119. Schütz-Dental Germany
120. SERF (Société d’Etudes de Recherches et de Fabrications) France
121. Sic Implants Switzerland
122. Simpler Implants Incorporated Canada
123. Sistema de Implante Nacional Brazil
124. Southern Implants (Pty) Limited South Africa
125. Star Group International Implant Developments & Technology GmbH Germany
126. Sterngold Implamed Dental Implant Systems USA
127. Sweden & Martina S.p.A. Italy
128. Swiss Implants Incorporated USA
129. Sybron Implant Solutions (merge from: Innova—Canada & Oraltronics—Germany) USA
130. Tatum Surgical USA
131. T.B.R.® Group (previous name: Sudimplant) France
132. Tenax Dental Implant Systems Canada
133. TFI System Italy
134. Thommen Medical Switzerland
135. Timplant Czech Republic
136. Tiolox Implants GmbH (previous name: Dentaurum Implants GmbH) Germany
137. Titan Implants USA
138. Tixxit GmbH Germany
139. Trinon Titanium GmbH Germany
140. Victory-med GmbH Germany
141. Wieland Dental Implants GmbH Germany
142. Wolf GmbH Germany
143. Zimmer Dental (previous names: Centerpulse & Sulzer Dental & Calcitek) USA
144. Ziterion GmbH Germany
145. ZL-Microdent-Attachment GmbH & Co. KG Germany
146. Z-systems AG (Drachenfels AG) Germany

Fully implant supported Fixed Bridge -

Fully implant supported Fixed Bridge -

Osseointegration and Dental Implants
by Asbjorn Jokstad
January 2009, Wiley-Blackwell

Implant Supported Denture

The denture supported by osseointegrated implants is connected to abutments by gold screws. If the denture was damaged and required repair, it could be removed by unsrewing the gold screws. If a single implant fixture failed to osseointegrate and was not able to withstand occlusal forces due to soft tissue formation, the denture could be removed to gain surgical access to the fixture site.

The denture could be maintained and supported by the remaining fixtures. At a later time, another fixture could be placed and may require fabrication of new denture. This kind of dental implant system allow retrievability which is convenient for dental implant maintenance. A lot of patients express strong desire for a fixed type denture and the fully bone anchored denture could be the treatment of choice in implant dentistry.

Implant Supported Fixed Bridges

Implant Supported Fixed Bridges

Dental Implant Abutment Torque

A guide on Dental Implant Abutment Torque

Astra 3.0 Dental Implant - 15 N-cm
Astra 3.5-4.0 Dental Implant - 20 N-cm
Astra 4.5-5.0 Dental Implant - 25 N-cm
BioHorizons® External Hex Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
BioHorizons® Internal Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
BioHorizons® Tapered Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
Biomet 3i™ External Hex Dental Implant - 35 N-cm
Biomet 3i™ Certain® Dental Implant - 20 N-cm
BlueSkyBio One Stage Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
BlueSkyBio Trilobe Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
BlueSkyBio Internal Hex Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
Brånemark (Nobel Biocare) Dental Implant - 35 N-cm Read more

Straumann Dental Implant Course

Straumann Dental Implant System Course is a four month program on implant dentistry designed to equip the general dentist with the knowledge and skill necessary to be able to provide dental implant treatment to his or her patients.

Part I Theoretical
Part II Clinical
1. Treatment planning and discussion of one clinical case.
2. The performance of an implant surgery done under close supervision.
3. Assisting with other clinical cases during the surgical and prosthetic phases of the treatment.
4. The design and delivery of the restoration over the integrated implant.

General Objectives
To enable general dentists to properly diagnose plan and execute a dental implant treatment.
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Parts of a Branemark Dental Implant

Parts of a Branemark Dental Implant

Based on years of research and clinical use, the Branemark dental implant system showed the highest success rate. It has set the precedence for surgical techniques that result in a successful implant system.

The Branemark Dental Implant System consists of six components:
1. The implant fixture.
2. Cover screw.
3. Abutment.
4. Abutment screw.
5. Gold cylinder.
6. Gold screw.

The dental implant fixture is the component which is surgically installed into the jawbone. The cover screw is screwed into the top of of the fixture to prevent downgrowth of soft and hard tissue into the internal, threaded area. The abutment is the transmucosal component which is conneted using an abutment screw into the fixture. Gold cylinder is an integral part of the prosthetic component. It is connnected to the abutment with the gold screw.

The dental implant fixture is made of pure titanium with machined threads on the outer surface as well as the inner channel. The fixture is threaded into the jawbone using a series of surgical procedures to achieve an intimate contact between the dental implant fixture and bone. The top of the fixture has usually a hexagonal design and threads are visible in the internal channel. The apical portion is tapered and it has vertical notches.
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History of Dental Implants

History of Dental Implants. Photo credit: Oris Neobiotech

History of Implant Dentistry dates back to early Egypt. At that time, it was done by transplanting teetrh from slaves who would willingly sell their teeth. Teeth from animals were also used for dental implantation.

In early 16th century, replantation was performed on avulsed teeth. In 1886, tooth buds were tried to be implanted.
From late 1880 to early 1900, gold, porcelain, gutta percha and platinum were used as implant materials.

In early 1890, ceramics are used as a dental implant material. Ceramics are considered a biocompatible material,

In 1940’s, Modern Implantology began with a screw-type implant created by Formiggini. Chercheve introduced another screw type dental implant in 1962. It was made of chrome cobalt.

In 1966, blade type implant was developed by Linkow. The implant was made from chromium, nickel and vanadium. This used a one step procedure for implant placement through mucosa into bone. Blade-type implants were not proven clinically successful.

In 1967, Hodosh tried acrylic resin to fabricate dental implants in tooth forms and tested their biocompatibiliy in monkeys.

In 1982, single crystalline forms of ceramics have been developed for implant purposes. This is to increase hardness and to overcome ceramics’ brittleness problem. Single sapphire crystal implants have been used to support fixed partial dentures in the mandible. It was found out that the said implant was well tolerated by soft tissue.
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Parts of a Dental Implant

Components of a dental implant.

The Dental Implant consists of four components:
1. The implant fixture.
2. Cover screw.
3. Abutment.
4. Abutment screw.

The dental implant fixture is the component which is surgically placed into the jawbone. The cover screw is screwed into the top of of the fixture to prevent downgrowth of soft and hard tissue into the internal, threaded area. The abutment is the transmucosal component which is conneted using an abutment screw into the fixture.

The implant fixture is made of pure titanium with machined threads on the outer surface as well as the inner channel. The fixture is threaded into the jawbone using a series of surgical procedures to achieve an intimate contact between the dental implant fixture and bone. The top of the fixture has usually a hexagonal design and threads are visible in the internal channel.
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Leader Italia Tixos Cylindrical Implants - Internal Hex

Tixos Cylindrical Implants - Internal Hex

Tixos Cylindrical Implants - Internal Hex by Leader Italia has the following features:
• It is self-threading fixture in titanium, Grade 5
• Microfused, porous, isoealstic surface
• Interconnected cavities: 2-200 microns
• Active porous surface thickness: about 200 microns
• All implants are packaged with a color coded multi-functional tool named Mount-transfer (in titanium, Grade 5).
• High adherence to bone structure
• It has a great resistance to horizontal stresses
• Round apex: minimum trauma during insertion
• An annual check of the implant stability is recommended.
• Compatible with Anoticel Susej Method of Implantology

Tixos dental implants are equipped with a transport tool that allows the surgeon to transport and position the implant in conditions of absolute sterility.
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Leader Italia Tixos Line Dental Implant System

Leader Italia Tixos Line Dental Implant System

Tixos Implant by Leader Italia, is the result of 4 years research on new technology applied to Titanium. The structure and morphology of the implant surface are designed by a computer that, with a focused laser beam, produces the desired model by sintering the titanium powder layer after layer. This technology, also known as Laser Microfused Titanium Powder, allows the production of a porous surface characterized by open intercommunicating cavities that widen to an established depth.

Geometry of Implants Surfaces

Recent studies showed the importance of surface geometry in promoting bone formation also in extraskeletal sites. The implant topographic surface modification may optimize the interactions with host tissue during healing phase, in order to obtain the best tissue response in a shorter time.
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