Archive for December, 2009

Dental Implants after RTR placement and before suturing. Thorough understanding of the rationale of specific suturing techniques and materials used is important to get proper implant closure.

Dental Implants before Closure

Dental Implants before Closure

GTR or Guided Tissue Regeneration material is placed in bony defect area. It is used to to assist in regeneration of bone tissue to maximize the potential for success of dental implant procedure.

Resorbable Tissue Replacement (RTR) placed labial to Dental Implant

Resorbable Tissue Replacement (RTR) placed labial to Dental Implant

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It important to attain a water tight suture especially over the area with GTR or Guided Tissue/Bone Regeneration material.

Suture Technique on Dental Implant and Bony Defect with GTR

Suture Technique on Dental Implant and Bony Defect with GTR

Implant closure - the mucosa was sutured in a water-tight manner.

Dental Implant Closure, third dental implant is still visible (mesial to 14, upper right first premolar)

Dental Implant Closure, third dental implant is still visible (mesial to 14)