Archive for December, 2011

A guide on Dental Implant Abutment Torque

Astra 3.0 Dental Implant - 15 N-cm
Astra 3.5-4.0 Dental Implant - 20 N-cm
Astra 4.5-5.0 Dental Implant - 25 N-cm
BioHorizons® External Hex Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
BioHorizons® Internal Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
BioHorizons® Tapered Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
Biomet 3i™ External Hex Dental Implant - 35 N-cm
Biomet 3i™ Certain® Dental Implant - 20 N-cm
BlueSkyBio One Stage Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
BlueSkyBio Trilobe Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
BlueSkyBio Internal Hex Dental Implant - 30 N-cm
Brånemark (Nobel Biocare) Dental Implant - 35 N-cm Read More »

The evolution of dental implant related treatments in this era took its origin from the work of Branemark, who scientifically validated the entire process of placing an implant into bone, waiting a period of time for that bone to heal towards the implant, after which long-term functional loading adopted. Throughout the 70s and early 80s, a 1 stage threaded titanium plasma covered dental implant was adopted for overdenture retention with immediate loading. Also know as Swiss screw, the plasma coated dental implant was place into the anterior mandible and led to excellent long-term success. Other one stage implant systems were slow to emerge, but as they were proved with supporting data, the idea of a 1 stage endosseous dental implant therapy acquired credibility. The Strauman system has long-term data, showing that the one stage unloaded dental implant system can function in most regions of the mouth in distinction using the Swiss screw and also the Branemark methods.
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Centro Escolar University Course in Dental Implantology

CEU Course in Dental Implantology (CCDI) Overview
Over 100 hours of Didactic Lectures, hands-on workshops with models & clinical sessions for 2 patients.
5 module course series - each comes complete with handouts and use of surgical & restorative instruments, equipment and practice materials during hands on.
Supervised clinical sessions in CEU Specialist Clinic with instructor.
2 Biomet 3i tapered implants & abutments with crowns provided during clinical sessions.
Certificate of completion and clinical proficiency given by CEU (Centro Escolar University) & Asia Implant Institute Singapore.
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Straumann Dental Implant System Course is a four month program on implant dentistry designed to equip the general dentist with the knowledge and skill necessary to be able to provide dental implant treatment to his or her patients.

Part I Theoretical
Part II Clinical
1. Treatment planning and discussion of one clinical case.
2. The performance of an implant surgery done under close supervision.
3. Assisting with other clinical cases during the surgical and prosthetic phases of the treatment.
4. The design and delivery of the restoration over the integrated implant.

General Objectives
To enable general dentists to properly diagnose plan and execute a dental implant treatment.
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